Halle 101

Country & People/Short Film, Germany 2010

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Industrial work seems to have almost disappeared from our lives. The piecework of bits and bytes cannot be seen. But the "real" work still exists - at the edge of the field of vision, ghettoized in a convenient peripheral location. For example, in the Ludwigsfelde industrial park - just off the A10. Mercedes-Benz builds vans and medium-sized trucks there, and it is Brandenburg's largest industrial site. Before reunification, the legendary W50s rolled off the production line here. Back then there were 10,000 employees, today there are 2,500. But some of the workers from the past are still at the plant, some now for over 40 years. Many of them can be found in Hall 101, where many things still have to be made by hand on the VARIO. In their faces, you can read about a life in production, full of breaks, exhausting and yet fulfilling. Andreas Dresen tells of the work and the people who are called workers.
15 min
FSK 12
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Andreas Dresen

Original title:

Halle 101

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16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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