Season 1 | Episode 3: Ulysses is alive


History/Drama, France/Italy 2013

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While singer Eukaristos and his ship dock at Ithaca, preparations for Penelope's and Leocritos' marriage are in full swing. But when Eukaristos tells his stories in the palace, it turns out that only Odysseus himself can have told him of the cunning of the Trojan Horse: Odysseus is alive! Telemachus proclaims the good news to the people of Ithaca and persuades them to continue waiting for the return of the king. Penelope feels the familiarity between the beautiful slave Clea and her son Telemachus. In order to keep Clea from her son and to thank for the fact that his story has saved Penelope from the marriage to Leocritos, she gives the Trojan slave to Eukaristos...
44 min
FSK 16
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Caterina Murino (Pénèlope)

Niels Schneider (Télémaque)

Karina Testa (Cléa)

Carlo Brandt (Laerte)

Frédéric Quiring (Thyoscos)

Fanny Paliard (Maia)

Diogo Dória (Euacide)

José Mora Ramos (Phédon)

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 16

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